CAT aims to tell America’s stories “one tale at a time” by presenting dramatic and literary gems from fifty years ago and before – gems that still resonate - and contemporary works relating to the past, all involving the many facets of what it means to be “American.” CAT seeks to rejuvenate conversations about and from the works of American writers of all races and backgrounds, encompassing the joys and hardships that comprise this country’s complex history, from the Salem witch trials through the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam.
CAT thrives on being part of the Cape May community and a promoter of cultural tourism. Currently, we partner with the historic Dormer House B&B, End of the Road Theater, local libraries, and Cape May MAC by providing performances, workshops, and lectures for modest or no admission fees. CAT nurtures local talent with its playwriting and acting workshops for ages 17 on up, and employs local storytellers as well as professional actors from the New York City and Philadelphia areas. We delight in taking our “shows on the road,” enabling those living outside of Cape May County to learn about its cultural landscape. As the company grows, we foresee more partnerships with for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, taking theater workshops into public schools, and creating full-out more involved theatrical productions, all for the entertainment and enlightenment of the multicultural and multigenerational tourist and local population.
The adventure is just beginning - one tale at a time.
I can’t remember a time I didn’t love storytelling. Whether it’s by reading a book, listening to someone’s personal story, watching a live performance, a film, or a well-produced television series, I eagerly await the outcome, while still, many times, not wanting the story to end.
By the time I was five, tap dancing in front of audiences, I was in love with performing because I knew even then, I could make people smile, and that made me happy. There is nothing like the camaraderie and collaboration found in live theater. This is between the creative team who present the production and the connection between the audience and the performers. Theater continues to fill my life because Constantin Stanislavski’s quote: “Love the art in yourself, and not yourself in the art” has never let me down.
To watch a brief video created by "The Press of Atlantic City" in December 2022 in which Gayle Stahlhuth explains her role in East Lynne Theater Company, founded in 1980 by Warren Kliewer, click here.
For the complete article on-line, in "The Press," click here. For a PDF version of the article, click here.

THE LEE O'CONNOR MEMORIAL FUND click here for the Background for this Fund
From 1999 - 2021, Lee O'Connor was the technical director for the Equity professional East Lynne Theater Company. Shortly after he died from cancer in March 2021 , Gayle Stahlhuth, his wife and producing artistic director of ELTC, created The Lee O'Connor Memorial Fund to help to convert the AME Church into a performing space. For those who wish to contribute to this Fund, please make checks payable to The Lee O'Connor Memorial Fund and mail to Gayle Stahlhuth, 121 Fourth Avenue, West Cape May, NJ 08204. CAT is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. For making donations to the General Operating Fund, please make checks out to Classic American Tales. Thank you!
From 1999 - 2021, Lee O'Connor was the technical director for the Equity professional East Lynne Theater Company. Shortly after he died from cancer in March 2021 , Gayle Stahlhuth, his wife and producing artistic director of ELTC, created The Lee O'Connor Memorial Fund to help to convert the AME Church into a performing space. For those who wish to contribute to this Fund, please make checks payable to The Lee O'Connor Memorial Fund and mail to Gayle Stahlhuth, 121 Fourth Avenue, West Cape May, NJ 08204. CAT is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. For making donations to the General Operating Fund, please make checks out to Classic American Tales. Thank you!
Or make checks payable to Classic American Tales and mail to
Classic American Tales, 121 Fourth Avenue, West Cape May, NJ 08204
CAT is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization
Classic American Tales, 121 Fourth Avenue, West Cape May, NJ 08204
CAT is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization